Creating Wellness in the Workplace

By Casey Marshek, MS; CPT, Owner/Nutritionist/Personal Trainer at Wellness Evolution Denver and CWCC Member

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It’s Sunday afternoon and your house is quiet.  You have all your obligations met and free time to spend as you please.  What would make your heart sing?  What simple activity would bring you relaxing joy?  This is your true happiness!

Considering this concept I ask you to offer your employees the same option when it comes to Wellness and Team Building in the work place.  We can all agree that the best workplace environment is one where:

  • People are free to develop and foster their individual strengths
  • Good relationships with other team members are developed
  • Everyone is pursuing worthwhile and meaningful goals both separately and as a collective unit

Using wellness to improve these skills and relationships is very effective.  Choose options for a slightly competitive wellness challenge where the staff members will be competing as teams, but will be mostly focused intrinsically on improving themselves.  I like to give people choices and allow them to vote on what activity they are most interested in.  This creates an environment where people start from a place of engagement and empowerment.

The point of this activity is to improve yourself.  Surround yourself with people whom have common goals and learn to use this to bring the entire group further with their success.  These skills achieved through a wellness or bonding activity will then carry over to productivity, report, and job retention/attendance.  People who are happy with themselves and their lives are going to be more excited to come to work, they will be more productive when there, and they will be more respectful of the ideas and feelings of those around them.

Wellness is a great place to start in creating an environment that promotes teamwork in the work place.

Now tell me, how do you find happiness in your time of solitude?  Do you feel this promotes better discipline with your work?


Casey Marshek, MS; CPT
Owner/Nutritionist/Personal Trainer
Wellness Evolution Denver

About Wellness Evolutiuon
Wellness Evolution is centered upon results based training and holistic counseling, in a comfortable and empathetic environment, through an educational approach that enriches a client to maintain their results long-term.


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